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flips: Apply a patch and create a new ROM file.
$ flips --apply ${patch-bps} ${rom-smc} ${hack-smc}
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The command you provided is using the "flips" tool, which is commonly used to apply patches to ROM files. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • flips refers to the name or path of the flips tool executable.
  • --apply is a command option for flips, indicating that you want to apply a patch.
  • ${patch-bps} is the path or filename of the patch file in BPS format. The "${}" syntax suggests that it is referencing a variable, so the actual value would be determined by the context where the command is being used.
  • ${rom-smc} represents the path or filename of the original ROM file (in SMC format) that the patch will be applied to. Again, the value inside "${}" would be substituted with the relevant variable value.
  • ${hack-smc} indicates the path or filename for the output patched ROM file (in SMC format). This will be the resulting file after the patch has been applied.

So when you run this command, the flips tool will apply the patch specified by "${patch-bps}" onto the original ROM specified by "${rom-smc}". The resulting patched ROM will be saved with the filename specified by "${hack-smc}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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