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flite: List all available voices.
$ flite -lv
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The command "flite -lv" is used to run the Flite speech synthesis system with the leveler function enabled. Flite is a small and lightweight speech synthesis engine developed at Carnegie Mellon University.

When you execute the command, it launches the Flite program and activates the leveler feature. The leveler function in Flite applies dynamic range compression to the audio output, making it more uniform and easier to listen to. It helps in normalizing the volume of speech by automatically adjusting loud and soft parts of the audio.

The "-lv" flag specifically enables the leveler function in Flite, ensuring that the generated speech output is processed with dynamic range compression.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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