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flutter: Check if all external tools are correctly installed.
$ flutter doctor
try on your machine

The command "flutter doctor" is used in the Flutter development environment to check if all the necessary software and dependencies are properly installed for Flutter to work correctly on your machine.

When you run "flutter doctor" in the terminal or command prompt, it initiates a series of checks to verify the setup of your development environment. Here are some of the checks it performs:

  1. Flutter SDK: It checks if the Flutter software development kit (SDK) is installed and if the path to the SDK is correctly configured.
  2. Dart SDK: It verifies the installation and configuration of the Dart SDK, which is required to run Flutter applications.
  3. Android setup: It checks the Android development environment, including availability of the Android SDK, proper configuration of the Android emulator or a connected Android device for testing.
  4. iOS setup: If you are developing for iOS, it checks if Xcode (the official development environment for iOS apps) is installed, and if necessary tools and simulators are properly configured.
  5. Chrome setup: It verifies that you have the necessary dependencies to run Flutter web applications in Google Chrome.
  6. Connected devices: It checks if any emulators, simulators, or physical devices are connected and ready for use.

The output of the "flutter doctor" command provides a diagnosis of your development environment, indicating any missing software or configuration errors that need to be fixed. It also offers helpful suggestions on how to resolve the issues.

Running "flutter doctor" on a regular basis is recommended, as it ensures that your development environment is up to date and ready for Flutter app development.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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