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fluxctl: Synchronize the cluster with the git repository.
$ fluxctl sync
try on your machine

The fluxctl sync command is used to synchronize the state of your Kubernetes cluster with the desired state defined in your GitOps repository.

Flux is a popular GitOps tool that helps manage and automate the deployment and configuration of applications in Kubernetes. It uses a Git repository to store and version the desired state of your cluster. The fluxctl command-line tool is used to interact with Flux.

When you run fluxctl sync, it triggers a synchronization process between your cluster and the Git repository. Here's what happens:

  1. It checks the Git repository for updates in the desired state.
  2. It compares the desired state with the current state of your Kubernetes cluster.
  3. If there are any differences, Flux applies the necessary changes to make the cluster match the desired state. This can include updating, creating, or deleting Kubernetes resources (e.g., deployments, services, etc.).
  4. Flux monitors the progress of the synchronization process and reports any errors or conflicts that may occur.

Essentially, fluxctl sync helps you keep your Kubernetes cluster in sync with the desired state specified in your GitOps repository, ensuring that any changes made to your Git repository are automatically applied to your cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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