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fmt: Reformat a file with uniform spacing (1 space between words and 2 spaces between paragraphs).
$ fmt -u ${filename}
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The command fmt -u ${filename} is used to read the contents of a file and format its text. Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • fmt: This is the command itself, which is used for text formatting in Unix-like operating systems.
  • -u: This option is used to disable paragraph justification, meaning that the text will not be adjusted to have equal line lengths.
  • ${filename}: This is the placeholder for the actual filename or path of the file you want to format. It should be replaced with the specific file you want to process.

When you execute this command in a terminal shell, it will read the contents of the specified file and format the text accordingly, without performing paragraph justification. The formatted (or reflowed) version of the text will be printed to the terminal output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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