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fold: Break the line after the rightmost blank within the width limit.
$ fold --spaces --width ${width} ${filename}
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The command fold --spaces --width ${width} ${filename} is used to wrap lines in a text file based on the specified width.

Here is what each part of the command means:

  • fold: It is the command used for folding or wrapping lines in a text file.
  • --spaces: This option tells the fold command to preserve spaces while wrapping lines. By default, spaces are treated as delimiters for line wrapping, so using this option ensures that spaces within a line are not split.
  • --width ${width}: This option specifies the maximum width (in characters) for a line. When the line length exceeds this width, it is wrapped onto the next line.
  • ${filename}: This is the variable representing the name of the file you want to wrap the lines in. It should be replaced with the actual file name.
  • ${width}: This is also a variable representing the desired maximum width for a line. It should be replaced with a specific number.

To summarize, the command fold --spaces --width ${width} ${filename} wraps the lines in a text file (specified by ${filename}) at the given ${width}, while preserving spaces within each line.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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