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fontd: Start the daemon.
$ fontd
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The "fontd" command refers to the font daemon process on a Unix-like operating system. It is responsible for managing fonts and providing font-related services to other applications.

When the command "fontd" is executed, it typically starts the font daemon, which runs in the background and continues to operate until it is either manually stopped or the system is restarted.

The font daemon helps in caching font data, speeding up font loading and rendering, and optimizing system performance by reducing the need to repeatedly load fonts from disk. It also handles font registration and provides font services to applications, such as listing available fonts, installing or uninstalling fonts, and resolving font-related conflicts.

Overall, the "fontd" command is crucial for font management and efficient font usage on Unix-like systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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