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foreman: Start all processes except the one named "worker".
$ foreman start -m all=1,${worker}=0
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The command "foreman start -m all=1,${worker}=0" is used to start a set of processes defined in a Procfile using Foreman.

Here is what each part of the command means:

  • "foreman" is the command-line tool used to manage Procfile-based applications. It helps in running multiple processes in development or production environments.

  • "start" is a command in Foreman to start the defined processes.

  • "-m all=1,${worker}=0" is an option to specify the number of each process to run. It uses the syntax "process=num" to define the number of instances for each process. In this example, it specifies that "all" should have one instance (num=1) and the process named "worker" should have zero instances (num=0).

This command will start the processes defined in the Procfile, running one instance of the "all" process and zero instances of the "worker" process. The Procfile is a text file used to define the different processes and commands to run for an application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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