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foreman: Start an application with the Procfile in the current directory.
$ foreman start
try on your machine

The command "foreman start" is used to start the Foreman application. Foreman is a tool that helps manage Procfile-based applications. A Procfile is a file in your project that specifies the various processes that need to be run for your application to work properly.

When you run "foreman start" in the command line, Foreman will read the Procfile in the current directory and start the processes specified in it. Each process is started as a separate, parallel worker that Foreman manages.

This command is typically used in development environments to simplify the launching of multiple processes required for an application. Foreman also provides features like process monitoring, logging, and exporting environment variables, making it useful for managing complex applications with interconnected processes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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