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forever: List running "forever" processes (along with IDs and other details of "forever" processes).
$ forever list
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The command "forever list" is used to display a list of processes that are currently being managed by the "forever" process manager.

The "forever" command is a popular tool for running and managing different processes in a persistent manner on a server or system. It helps ensure that a script or application runs continuously, restarts automatically if it crashes, and provides monitoring and log management functionalities.

When you execute the "forever list" command, it will display the status and details of the processes that have been started and are currently being managed by "forever". The output usually includes information such as process ID (PID), script or file being executed, uptime, logs, and any additional options or arguments specified.

This command is useful for monitoring the running processes and their status, as well as managing them further by using other "forever" commands like "restart", "stop", or "start".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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