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fortune: Print an offensive quotation.
$ fortune -o
try on your machine

The command fortune -o is used to display a random fortune message from the database of fortunes, with the additional restriction that only offensive fortunes are shown.

Here's how this command works:

  1. fortune is a command-line utility that displays random quotes, jokes, or aphorisms called "fortunes". These fortunes are stored in a database file.

  2. The -o option is used to specify that only offensive fortunes should be shown. Offensive fortunes are quotes that may contain profanity, controversial content, or humor that some find offensive. These fortunes are typically marked or segregated in the fortune database.

By running fortune -o, the command will select a random offensive fortune from the database and display it on the command line. Note that this command should be used with caution and sensitivity, as the offensive content may not be suitable for all audiences.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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