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fossa: Generate reports.
$ fossa report
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The fossa report command is used in the Fossa command-line tool to generate a detailed report on the dependencies and licensing information of a software project.

When executed, the command analyzes the dependencies of the project, including direct and transitive dependencies, and retrieves the corresponding licensing information for each dependency. It scans the project's dependencies to check for any licenses that may be incompatible, outdated, or have other potential issues.

The command generates a comprehensive report that provides an overview of the licensing status and vulnerabilities associated with the project's dependencies. This report helps developers and project managers understand the licensing obligations and potential risks involved when using third-party code.

Overall, fossa report is a useful command in the Fossa tool for obtaining insights into a project's dependencies and ensuring compliance with licensing requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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