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fossa: Test current revision against the FOSSA scan status and exit with errors if issues are found.
$ fossa test
try on your machine

The "fossa test" command is related to the Fossa tool, which is a software composition analysis (SCA) tool that helps developers understand the open-source components, licenses, and vulnerabilities used in their projects. The "fossa test" command is used to initiate various tests or analysis for your project.

When you run the "fossa test" command, it typically performs the following steps:

  1. Dependency Analysis: Fossa analyzes the project's dependencies and builds a dependency graph. It identifies various open-source components used in the project.

  2. License Scanning: Fossa scans the codebase and matches the detected components against its license database. It determines the licenses under which the components are distributed.

  3. Vulnerability Analysis: Fossa checks the identified components against known vulnerability databases (such as the National Vulnerability Database) to detect any security vulnerabilities.

  4. Test Execution: It may also run unit tests or execute other specified tests associated with the project to ensure the stability and reliability of the code.

  5. Results and Reporting: Fossa generates a comprehensive report that presents the findings of the analysis, including a summary of the detected components, their licenses, identified vulnerabilities, and any test results. This report helps developers make informed decisions and address any potential issues or risks.

Overall, the "fossa test" command is a part of the Fossa tool's functionality that enables developers to analyze their project's dependencies, licenses, vulnerabilities, and conduct necessary tests to ensure code quality and security.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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