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fossil-commit: Create a new version containing all the changes in the current checkout, using the specified comment.
$ fossil commit --comment "${comment}"
try on your machine

The command "fossil commit --comment "${comment}"" is used to create a new commit in the Fossil version control system with a specific comment or message.

In Fossil, a commit represents a snapshot of changes made to a repository. It is a way to save your work and track the progress of a project. Each commit is associated with a unique identifier and includes information such as the author, timestamp, and the changes made.

The "--comment" option is used to specify the comment or message for the commit. It allows you to provide a description or summary of the changes made in the commit. The "${comment}" indicates that the comment is provided as a variable, and you need to replace it with the actual comment you want to include.

For example, if you have a variable called "comment" that holds the value "Implemented user authentication feature", executing the command "fossil commit --comment "${comment}"" will create a new commit with the comment "Implemented user authentication feature".

By including informative and concise comments, you can easily track and understand the changes made to a repository, making collaboration and development processes more efficient.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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