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fossil: Show general help (list available subcommands).
$ fossil help
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The command "fossil help" is used in the Fossil version control system to display the help documentation. This command provides detailed information about all the available Fossil commands and their respective options and arguments.

When you run "fossil help" in the command-line interface, it will display a list of all the Fossil commands, grouped into categories such as "Repository Setup", "Repository Administration", "Repository Accessibility", "Content Management", "User and Group Management", etc.

You can further explore each command's usage and description by running "fossil help " where "" is the specific command you want to learn more about. For example, running "fossil help commit" will display detailed information about the "commit" command, explaining its purpose, usage, and various options and arguments you can use with it.

Overall, the "fossil help" command is a useful tool in Fossil that enables users to access comprehensive documentation and get assistance on how to use each command effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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