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fossil: Execute a Fossil subcommand.
$ fossil ${subcommand}
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The command fossil ${subcommand} is a generic template for executing various subcommands within the Fossil version control system.

In the context of Fossil, subcommands refer to the specific tasks or operations that can be performed using the Fossil command-line interface (CLI). Fossil provides a wide range of subcommands to manage repositories, branches, check-ins, files, users, and more.

To use this command, you need to replace ${subcommand} with the desired specific subcommand that matches your intended action or operation. For example, if you want to see the status of your repository, you would use fossil status instead of fossil ${subcommand}.

Here are a few examples of specific subcommands that can be used with the fossil command:

  • fossil init: Creates a new empty Fossil repository.
  • fossil open <repository>: Opens an existing Fossil repository located at the specified path.
  • fossil status: Displays the status of the repository, showing the uncommitted changes and pending files.
  • fossil add <file>: Adds a file to the repository, preparing it for version control.
  • fossil commit -m "<message>": Commits the changes in the repository with the provided commit message.
  • fossil branch: Lists all the branches in the repository.
  • fossil sync: Synchronizes the repository with a remote repository or server.

Remember to replace ${subcommand} with the appropriate subcommand based on the specific action or operation you want to perform within Fossil.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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