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fossil: Check the Fossil version.
$ fossil version
try on your machine

The command "fossil version" is used in the Fossil version control system to display information about the version of Fossil currently installed.

When you run this command, it will output details such as the Fossil version number, the build date, the operating system it was compiled for, and any additional build options that were used during compilation. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting purposes or verifying that you have the correct version installed.

Here's an example of the output you might see when running "fossil version":

This is fossil version 2.7 [d6e36ce6b9] 2021-10-13 22:52:23. Built with SQLite 3.36.0 for Windows 64-bit using Tcl/Tk 8.6.10.

In this example, the Fossil version is 2.7, the commit hash is d6e36ce6b9, and the build date is October 13, 2021, at 22:52:23. It was built with SQLite version 3.36.0 for Windows 64-bit, using Tcl/Tk version 8.6.10.

It's worth noting that the exact output may vary slightly depending on your specific installation and build options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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