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fprintd-list: Display help.
$ fprintd-list
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The command "fprintd-list" is used to list the fingerprint devices connected to the computer and the registered fingerprints.

Here's how it works:

  1. When you execute the "fprintd-list" command in the terminal, it communicates with the "fprintd" service, which is a daemon responsible for managing fingerprint devices and fingerprints.
  2. The command requests a list of available fingerprint devices from the service.
  3. The "fprintd" service checks the system for any fingerprint devices that are connected and supported.
  4. The service returns a list of fingerprint devices along with their respective IDs and some other information.
  5. The command then displays this information on the terminal.

Using "fprintd-list," you can see which fingerprint devices are recognized by your computer and gather information about them, such as their IDs and if any fingerprints are registered. This command is useful for troubleshooting fingerprint-related issues or managing fingerprint authentication.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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