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free: Display system memory.
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The "free" command is used in Linux and Unix-like operating systems to display the amount of free and used memory (RAM) in the system. When you run the "free" command in the terminal, it provides information about the current memory usage.

The output of the "free" command includes the following details:

  • "total": Represents the total amount of physical memory (RAM) in the system.
  • "used": Indicates the amount of memory used by the system.
  • "free": Shows the amount of memory not being used.
  • "shared": Represents the memory that is shared with other processes.
  • "buff/cache": Displays the amount of memory used for buffers and caching.
  • "available": Indicates the amount of memory that is available for allocation per the user's request.

The "free" command is particularly helpful for monitoring memory usage, identifying potential memory bottlenecks, and checking available memory before running resource-intensive tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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