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free: Display memory in Bytes/KB/MB/GB.
$ free -${select}
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The "free" command is used in Linux/Unix systems to display information about the memory usage of the system.

The option "-${select}" in the command is not a standard option for the "free" command. The "${select}" is likely meant to be a placeholder for a specific option that the user needs to provide when using the command. The user should replace "${select}" with a valid option, such as "h" for human-readable format, "s" for a summary, or "t" for displaying the memory information in a timestamp format.

For example, you can use the command "free -h" to display the memory usage in a more user-friendly way with sizes in human-readable format, or "free -s" for a summary view of memory usage with total and used memory.

It is essential to consult the command's documentation or refer to any specific instructions provided to determine the appropriate option to replace "${select}" with.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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