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fsck: Check filesystem `/dev/sdXN`, reporting any damaged blocks and interactively letting the user choose to repair each one.
$ sudo fsck -r ${-dev-sdXN}
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The command sudo fsck -r ${-dev-sdXN} is used to run a filesystem check and repair process on a specific device partition. Let's break down the command:

  • sudo: It is a command used on Linux and Unix-like operating systems to execute a command with administrative or superuser privileges.

  • fsck: It stands for "file system consistency check" and is a utility used to check and repair inconsistencies in a file system.

  • -r: It is an option used with fsck to automatically repair any file system inconsistencies without requiring user intervention. It stands for "repair."

  • ${-dev-sdXN}: This is a placeholder for the device and partition you want to run the filesystem check on. The ${-dev-sdXN} format is just an example; you would replace it with the actual device and partition name, for example, /dev/sda1.

So, when you execute this command with the appropriate device and partition name, it will run a filesystem check with automatic repair on that specific partition, helping to fix any inconsistencies or errors in the file system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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