The command "fsutil repair state" is a command used in the Windows command-line interface (Command Prompt) to repair the file system metadata on a disk.
When you execute this command, Windows performs a scan and repairs any inconsistencies or corruptions in the file system's metadata, which includes tracking information about files and directories on the disk. The file system metadata is essential for maintaining the organization and accessibility of files.
Repairing the file system state often involves fixing issues such as orphaned files, cross-linked files, invalid file entries, and other similar problems that can occur over time due to various reasons like improper shutdowns or disk errors.
It's important to note that the "fsutil repair state" command should be executed with administrative privileges (run Command Prompt as an administrator) to ensure proper access and functionality. Additionally, it's recommended to back up important data before executing any repair commands to mitigate any potential risks associated with file system repairs.