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ftp: Transfer multiple files without prompting for confirmation on every file.
$ prompt off
try on your machine

The command "prompt off" is used in a command-line interface (CLI) environment to disable or hide the command prompt.

In a typical CLI, the command prompt is the text or symbol that indicates that the system is ready to receive input commands. By default, it often appears as a specific character or a combination of characters followed by a blank space. For example, the prompt in the Windows command prompt environment is typically the current directory followed by the greater-than symbol (>).

When the "prompt off" command is executed, it removes or hides the command prompt from the CLI output. This can be helpful in situations where the command prompt is not needed or may be causing distractions or clutter in the display. By turning off the prompt, the command output becomes the primary focus of the CLI interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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