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fzf: Select multiple files with `Shift + Tab` and write to a file.
$ find ${path-to-directory} -type f | fzf --multi > ${filename}
try on your machine

This command combines the use of the find and fzf tools in Unix-based systems to search for files in a specified directory and provide an interactive selection interface for the user.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. find ${path-to-directory}: This part of the command uses the find tool to search for files in the directory specified by ${path-to-directory}. It will recursively search for files in subdirectories as well.

  2. -type f: This option for find specifies that it should only search for regular files (not directories or other file types).

  3. |: This is a pipe symbol, which is used to redirect the output of the find command to the fzf command.

  4. fzf: This command is a powerful command-line fuzzy finder that provides an interactive interface for selecting items from a list. In this case, it will receive the list of file paths from find and display them to the user.

  5. --multi: This option for fzf allows the user to select multiple files instead of just one.

  6. >: This symbol is used for output redirection. It tells the shell to redirect the output of the fzf command to a file specified by ${filename}.

  7. ${filename}: This is a placeholder for the name of the file where the selected file paths will be saved.

In summary, the find command searches for files in a directory, the fzf command presents an interactive selection interface, and the output is saved to a specified file. This allows the user to search for files and select multiple ones using a user-friendly interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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