The command "ps aux | fzf" does the following:
"ps" is a command in Unix-like operating systems that displays information about running processes. The "aux" option shows all processes owned by any user and includes additional details.
The "|" character is called a pipe and is used to redirect the output of one command to another command as input.
"fzf" is a command-line fuzzy finder tool that provides an interactive way to filter and search for text. It allows you to quickly select and interact with items from a list based on the input provided.
Putting it all together, the "ps aux" command lists all processes running on the system, and this output is then passed as input to "fzf" via the pipe. The "fzf" command then displays an interactive search interface where you can filter and narrow down the list of processes based on your input. This can help you find and interact with specific processes more easily.