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ganache-cli: Run Ganache and lock available accounts by default.
$ ganache-cli --secure
try on your machine

The ganache-cli --secure command is used to launch the Ganache CLI (Command Line Interface) with HTTPS encryption enabled.

Ganache is a personal blockchain for Ethereum development. It allows developers to test and deploy smart contracts, perform transactions, and interact with the blockchain in a local development environment. The CLI version of Ganache provides a command-line interface to interact with the blockchain.

By default, Ganache CLI runs over HTTP, which means that the communication between the client and the blockchain is not encrypted. However, using the --secure flag enables the HTTPS protocol, which adds an extra layer of security by encrypting the data being transmitted between the client and the blockchain.

By running ganache-cli --secure, you start Ganache CLI with HTTPS encryption enforced, allowing secure communication between your application and the local blockchain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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