The ganache-cli
command is used to start a local Ethereum network for development and testing purposes.
Ganache is a popular tool provided by Truffle Suite, which allows developers to run a personal, in-memory Ethereum blockchain. It provides a convenient way to simulate a local blockchain environment where developers can deploy and test their smart contracts without interacting with the main Ethereum network.
When you run the ganache-cli
command, it starts a local blockchain network on your computer with a set of predefined accounts. This network acts as a fully functional Ethereum network, allowing you to interact with it using various Ethereum development tools and libraries.
By default, ganache-cli generates 10 accounts, each with a balance of 100 Ether for development purposes. This allows you to use these accounts to simulate real-world scenarios, test smart contracts, and simulate transactions within this local network.
Ganache-cli also provides additional features such as instant mining, deterministic behavior (consistent results across multiple test runs), and transaction visualization.
Overall, the ganache-cli
command is an essential tool for Ethereum developers to quickly set up a local blockchain network and test their smart contracts before deploying them to the main Ethereum network.