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gatsby: Start a local server which serves the production build.
$ gatsby serve
try on your machine

The command "gatsby serve" is used in the GatsbyJS framework to start a local development server that hosts your Gatsby site. This command is typically executed after running "gatsby build" to generate the static files for your website.

When you run "gatsby serve", Gatsby will start a development server on your local machine that serves your site locally. This allows you to view and test your site in a local environment before deploying it to a production server.

Once the server is started, you can access your Gatsby site by opening a web browser and navigating to the specified local URL (usually http://localhost:9000 by default). Gatsby will display your site exactly as it would appear when deployed to a production server. Any changes you make to your site's source code will automatically trigger a rebuild, and the server will update your site in real-time to reflect those changes.

Running "gatsby serve" is useful for testing and previewing your site during the development process, as it provides a convenient way to see how your changes affect the actual site without having to deploy it each time.

After you are satisfied with the changes and ready to deploy your Gatsby site, you can create a production-ready build by running "gatsby build" again, and then deploy the generated static files to a web server or hosting platform of your choice.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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