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gcal: Provide calendar sheet with week numbers.
$ gcal --with-week-number
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The command "gcal --with-week-number" refers to the usage of the "gcal" command-line utility with the option "--with-week-number".

The "gcal" utility is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems to generate and display calendars. It can provide different types of calendars, including monthly, yearly, and customized calendars.

The "--with-week-number" option, when combined with the "gcal" command, instructs the utility to display the calendar along with the week numbers. Week numbers are sequential numbers assigned to each week of the year, starting from the first week. They are often used in business, manufacturing, and project management contexts to track and plan activities across weeks.

By specifying "--with-week-number", the "gcal" utility will generate a calendar representation that includes both the dates and their corresponding week numbers, providing a comprehensive view of the year or month with the associated week information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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