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gcalcli: Show events starting from or between specific dates (also takes relative dates e.g. "tomorrow").
$ gcalcli agenda ${mm-dd} [${mm-dd}]
try on your machine

The command "gcalcli agenda ${mm-dd} [${mm-dd}]" is a command-line command that uses a program called "gcalcli" to display the agenda (list of upcoming events) from a Google Calendar.

Here's how to interpret the command:

  • "gcalcli": Refers to the name of the program or command-line tool, which in this case is "gcalcli". It is likely an abbreviation for "Google Calendar Command Line Interface."

  • "agenda": Indicates that we want to retrieve the agenda, which is a list of scheduled events.

  • "${mm-dd}": This is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace "${mm-dd}" with a specific date in the format "mm-dd". For example, if you want to retrieve the agenda for January 10th, you would replace "${mm-dd}" with "01-10".

  • "[${mm-dd}]": This part is optional. If you include a second date in the same format "mm-dd" separated by a space, it will show the agenda between the two specified dates. For example, if you provide "01-10 01-15", it will display the agenda for January 10th to January 15th.

By running this command with the appropriate date(s), the gcalcli program will connect to your Google Calendar, retrieve the events within the specified date range, and display them in a terminal or command prompt window.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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