This command is used to compile multiple source files written in the C programming language and generate an executable file.
Let's break down the command:
gcc - This is the command for the GNU Compiler Collection, which is a popular compiler for C and C++.
${path-to-source1-c path-to-source2-c ---} - Here, "path-to-source1-c", "path-to-source2-c", and so on represent the paths to the source files that you want to compile. You can include as many source files as you need, separated by spaces. The "---" indicates that you can continue adding more source files if needed.
-o ${path-to-output_executable} - This part specifies the output that will be generated by the compiler. "-o" is an option that stands for "output". "path-to-output_executable" represents the desired path and name for the output executable file.
When you execute this command, the GCC compiler will compile all the provided C source files and link them together into a single executable file, which will be saved at the specified path.