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gcpdiag: Hide rules that are ok.
$ gcpdiag lint --project=${gcp_project_id} --hide-ok
try on your machine

This command is using the gcpdiag tool to run the lint command with specific options.

  • gcpdiag is a tool used for diagnosing and detecting issues in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) configurations and resources.
  • lint is one of the available commands in gcpdiag that performs linting or static analysis to check for potential problems or misconfigurations in a GCP project.
  • --project=${gcp_project_id} specifies the project ID to analyze. ${gcp_project_id} is a placeholder for the actual project ID, which should be provided when executing the command. The --project flag is used to specify the target GCP project for the analysis.
  • --hide-ok is an option to hide the results that are considered as "OK" or without issues. This can be useful to reduce the output clutter and focus on the potential problems or misconfigurations only.

Overall, this command executes the lint command of gcpdiag on a specific GCP project, while excluding the "OK" results from the output. It helps to identify and address any potential issues or misconfigurations in the GCP project's resources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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