gcpdiag: Search logs and metrics from a number of days back (default: 3 days).
$ gcpdiag lint --project=${gcp_project_id} --within-days ${number}
try on your machine
The command "gcpdiag lint --project=${gcp_project_id} --within-days ${number}" is used to run the "lint" diagnostic tool provided by Google Cloud Platform Diagnostics (gcpdiag). This tool helps analyze and identify potential issues within a Google Cloud project.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
- "gcpdiag" refers to the command-line utility provided by Google Cloud Platform Diagnostics.
- "lint" is the specific diagnostic tool being executed. It is used to identify linting issues within the project.
- "--project=${gcp_project_id}" specifies the Google Cloud project ID that you want to analyze. The "${gcp_project_id}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual project ID.
- "--within-days ${number}" sets the time frame for linting analysis. It specifies the number of days, denoted by "${number}", within which to analyze the project. This helps focus the analysis on issues that occurred within a specific timeframe.
Overall, the command runs the gcpdiag "lint" tool on a specific Google Cloud project, targeting linting issues, and sets a time range for analysis.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.