This command is using the gdal_translate
tool from GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) to convert a raster image file from one format to another.
Here is the breakdown of the command:
: This is a placeholder representing the path to the input TIFF file that you want to convert. -
: This is a placeholder representing the path where you want to save the converted output TIFF file. -
-of COG
: This option specifies the output format as COG (Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF), which is an optimized form of GeoTIFF suitable for cloud storage and streaming. -
: This option specifies the compression method to be used for the output file. In this case, LZW compression is chosen. LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) is a lossless compression algorithm commonly used for reducing the file size of raster images while preserving their quality.
Overall, this command takes an input TIFF file, converts it to a cloud-optimized GeoTIFF, and applies LZW compression to the output file.