The command gdaladdo -r average {path-to-input-tif}
is a command-line instruction that is used to generate overviews (pyramids) for a raster image file (TIFF format) using the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) library.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
: This is the command-line utility provided by GDAL used for creating image overviews. It stands for "GDAL Add Overviews". -
-r average
: Thisgdaladdo
option specifies the resampling method to be used while creating overviews. In this case, the average resampling method is used. It calculates the average pixel values within a block of pixels and assigns it to the overview level pixel. Other available resampling methods includenearest
, etc. -
: This is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the input TIFF file. It specifies the location of the raster image file for which the overviews need to be generated.
Overall, this command will apply the average resampling method to generate overviews for the input TIFF file, which can improve the image rendering performance at different zoom levels by using lower-resolution versions of the image.