gdb: Attach a process to gdb.
$ gdb -p ${procID}
try on your machine
This command is used to run the GNU Debugger (gdb) and attach it to a process with a specific process ID (${procID}).
- "gdb" is the command to start the GNU Debugger.
- "-p" is an option that specifies that we want to attach to a specific process.
- ${procID} represents the process ID of the target process we want to attach to. The dollar sign and curly braces indicate that its value is a parameter or variable that needs to be substituted with an actual process ID when running the command.
Once executed, this command will start gdb and attach it to the process identified by ${procID}, allowing you to inspect and debug the program's execution.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.