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genie: Run a login shell inside the bottle.
$ genie -s
try on your machine

The command "genie -s" is typically used in the Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) to execute the Genie software.

Genie is a powerful and flexible automation framework developed by Cisco, mainly used for network testing, verification, and troubleshooting tasks. It simplifies the process of writing and running automated tests by providing a structured way to define test cases and interact with network devices.

The "-s" option in the command is used to specify a specific test suite or test file to be executed. Test suites in Genie consist of one or more test cases that are designed to verify specific functionalities or requirements of network devices.

By running the "genie -s" command with the appropriate test suite or test file, Genie will execute the defined test cases and provide detailed test results, allowing network administrators or engineers to verify the correct configuration and behavior of their network devices.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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