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getfacl: Display the file access control list with numeric user and group IDs.
$ getfacl -n ${filename_or_directory}
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The getfacl command is used to retrieve the Access Control List (ACL) permission settings for a file or directory. ACLs provide more granular control over file or directory permissions, allowing for specific access permissions to be granted to different users or groups.

In the command getfacl -n ${filename_or_directory}, the -n option is used to display numerical representation of the ACLs instead of their symbolic representation. The ${filename_or_directory} is a placeholder for the actual file or directory name you want to retrieve the ACL information for.

By executing this command, you would get the ACL permission settings in numeric format for the specified file or directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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