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getmac: Display the details in a specific format.
$ getmac /fo ${select}
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The command "getmac /fo ${select}" is used to retrieve the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of network interfaces on a Windows operating system.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "getmac" is the command itself, used to obtain MAC addresses.
  • "/fo" is a parameter that specifies the output format.
  • "${select}" is a placeholder for the desired output format. It needs to be replaced with one of the available options.

The "/fo" parameter provides options to customize the output format. The available options are:

  • "table" (or "t"): It displays results in a tabular format.
  • "list" (or "l"): It displays results in a list format.
  • "csv" (or "c"): It exports results in Comma-Separated Values format.
  • "html" (or "h"): It exports results in HTML format.

To use the command, you should replace "${select}" with one of the available options based on the desired output format. For example, if you want the output in a tabular format, you can use "getmac /fo table".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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