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gexpr: View documentation for the original command.
$ tldr -p linux expr
try on your machine

The command "tldr -p linux expr" is used to receive a concise explanation or summary of the command-line utility "expr" in Linux using the "tldr" tool.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "tldr": It stands for "too long, didn't read" and is a command-line tool that provides a simple and summarized description of various command-line utilities.
  • "-p linux": This is an option for the "tldr" tool, specifying that we want the explanation for the "expr" command in the Linux operating system. The "-p" option is used to specify the platform or operating system for which we seek the explanation.
  • "expr": It is a command-line utility used to evaluate and perform certain operations on expressions. In Linux, "expr" is mostly used for manipulating or evaluating mathematical or string expressions. When we provide "expr" as an argument, "tldr" will provide a summary of its usage, options, and examples specific to the Linux platform.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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