List of commands for gfortran:
gfortran:tldr:252c6 gfortran: Show common warnings, debug symbols in output, and optimize without affecting debugging.$ gfortran ${path-to-source-f90} -Wall -g -Og -o ${path-to-output_executable}try on your machineexplain this command
gfortran:tldr:4c541 gfortran: Compile source code into Assembler instructions.$ gfortran -S ${path-to-source-f90}try on your machineexplain this command
gfortran:tldr:cf821 gfortran: Include libraries from a different path.$ gfortran ${path-to-source-f90} -o ${path-to-output_executable} -I${path-to-mod_and_include} -L${path-to-library} -l${library_name}try on your machineexplain this command
gfortran:tldr:ee4a5 gfortran: Compile source code into an object file without linking.$ gfortran -c ${path-to-source-f90}try on your machineexplain this command
gfortran:tldr:f4b09 gfortran: Compile multiple source files into an executable.$ gfortran ${path-to-source1-f90 path-to-source2-f90 ---} -o ${path-to-output_executable}try on your machineexplain this command