The command "tldr -p linux ftp" is used to display a simplified, summarized version of the usage manual or instructions for the Linux FTP (File Transfer Protocol) command.
"tldr" stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read". It is a command-line utility that provides concise, example-based explanations for various commands, making it easier for users to quickly understand their usage.
"-p" is an option or flag used with the "tldr" command, specifying that the command being queried is for the purpose of obtaining command help/usage instructions.
"linux ftp" is the command or tool for initiating FTP operations on a Linux system. FTP is a protocol used for transferring files between computers over a network.
So, when you run the "tldr -p linux ftp" command, the "tldr" utility will display a simplified and summarized set of instructions, with examples, for utilizing the Linux FTP command.