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ghcup: Start the interactive TUI.
$ ghcup tui
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The command "ghcup tui" is a command used to run the Terminal User Interface (TUI) for ghcup.

"ghcup" stands for "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) standalone compiler and development environment," which is a Haskell compiler used for building Haskell projects.

The "tui" part stands for "Terminal User Interface," which means that the command will launch a text-based interface for interacting with ghcup. This interface allows you to perform various tasks related to managing different GHC versions, updating or installing GHC versions, configuring Haskell-related tools, and managing Haskell packages.

Once you run the "ghcup tui" command, you will be presented with a menu-driven interface inside your terminal where you can navigate and select different options using your keyboard.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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