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ghost: Start an instance of Ghost.
$ ghost start
try on your machine

The command "ghost start" is used to start the Ghost CMS (Content Management System) in a CLI (Command Line Interface) or terminal.

Ghost is an open-source CMS platform designed specifically for creating professional websites or blogs. It is built with Node.js and uses a modern architecture to deliver fast performance and a great writing experience. To run a Ghost website locally or on a remote server, you must start the Ghost CMS using the "ghost start" command.

When executed, the "ghost start" command will initiate the Ghost server and make your website accessible through a web browser. It loads all the necessary resources and dependencies, such as the core files, themes, and plugins, and establishes a connection with the configured database backend.

Here are the typical steps that happen when "ghost start" command is run:

  1. The command checks if the necessary database configuration is provided in the Ghost configuration file. If not, it prompts you to enter the required database details.
  2. It connects to the database using the specified credentials.
  3. The command starts the Ghost server process, which handles incoming requests and serves the website.
  4. Once the server is started, you can access your Ghost website by entering the designated URL or IP address in a web browser.

Note that the "ghost start" command should be run from the root directory of your Ghost installation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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