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gibo: List available boilerplates.
$ gibo list
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The command "gibo list" is used to display a list of common .gitignore templates provided by the gibo tool.

The gibo tool is a command-line utility that helps generate .gitignore files based on specific project types or programming languages. It is particularly useful when starting a new project, as it automates the creation of appropriate .gitignore templates for common project structures.

When you run the "gibo list" command, it will fetch and display a list of available .gitignore templates provided by the gibo tool. These templates usually cover various programming languages, frameworks, and IDEs. The output will show the names of the templates, making it easier for you to choose the relevant one for your project.

Once you have identified the appropriate template, you can use the "gibo" command with the "generate" option to create a .gitignore file based on that template. For example, if you wanted to generate a .gitignore file for a Node.js project, you could use the command "gibo generate Node" (assuming "Node" is the name of the template).

Overall, "gibo list" is a handy command to quickly browse through available .gitignore templates supported by the gibo tool, helping you easily manage which files to exclude when version-controlling your project with Git.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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