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gibo: Write a boilerplate to .gitignore.
$ gibo dump ${boilerplate} >>${-gitignore}
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The command gibo dump ${boilerplate} >>${-gitignore} involves using the gibo (GitHub .gitignore boilerplate) utility to generate contents and append them to a file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • gibo: Refers to the gibo utility, which is designed to ease the process of creating .gitignore files by providing pre-defined boilerplate content.

  • dump: This is a subcommand of gibo that generates the desired boilerplate content based on the provided argument ${boilerplate}.

  • ${boilerplate}: Represents the specific type of .gitignore template or boilerplate content. You would replace ${boilerplate} with the name of the template you want to use. For example, if you want to generate a .gitignore file for a Python project, you would specify ${boilerplate} as Python.

  • >>${-gitignore}: This uses the >> redirection operator to append the generated boilerplate content to the file denoted by ${-gitignore}. The ${-gitignore} variable represents the name of the file you want to append the content to. You would replace ${-gitignore} with the actual filename you want to use.

In summary, the command generates boilerplate .gitignore content using gibo and appends that generated content to a specified file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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