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gifdiff: Check how GIFs differ.
$ gifdiff ${path-to-first-gif} ${path-to-second-gif}
try on your machine

The command gifdiff is used to compare two GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image files. It is followed by two arguments:

  1. ${path-to-first-gif}: It is the path or location where the first GIF image file is stored on your system. You need to replace ${path-to-first-gif} with the actual path to the first GIF file.

  2. ${path-to-second-gif}: It is the path or location where the second GIF image file is stored on your system. Similarly, you need to replace ${path-to-second-gif} with the actual path to the second GIF file.

By running this command, the gifdiff tool will compare the two GIF image files pixel by pixel and generate a visual representation of the differences between them. This can be useful for identifying changes or discrepancies between similar GIF images.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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