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gist: Create a gist from any number of text files.
$ gist ${file-txt} ${file2-txt}
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The command "gist ${file-txt} ${file2-txt}" refers to a command-line instruction for creating a "gist" on the GitHub Gist platform.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "gist": This is the main command that initiates the process of creating a gist.
  • "${file-txt}": This is a placeholder indicating that you should replace "${file-txt}" with the name of a text file you want to include in the gist. You should remove the "$" sign and the surrounding curly brackets, replacing them with the actual file name and extension. For example, if your file is called "example.txt", you would replace "${file-txt}" with "example.txt".
  • "${file2-txt}": Similar to the previous placeholder, this indicates that you can provide multiple files to be included in the gist. You should replace "${file2-txt}" with the name of another text file you want to include if necessary, following the same parsing rules.

In summary, this command is used to create a gist on GitHub that includes the contents of one or more text files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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