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git-alias: List all aliases.
$ git alias
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The git alias command is used in the git version control system to create a shortcut or alias for a specific git command or set of commands. When you run git alias, it opens the git configuration file, usually located in your user's home directory, with the default text editor. This file contains various configuration settings for git. Within the git configuration file, you can define aliases by adding lines in the following format: [alias] alias-name = git-command Here, alias-name is the name you want to give to your alias, and git-command is the actual git command or set of commands you want to run when the alias is used. For example, you can create an alias to replace the git status command with a shorter alias like "s" by adding the following line to the configuration file: [alias] s = status After saving the configuration file, you can simply run git s instead of git status. This alias will be available globally across all your git repositories. Aliases can be useful to save time and keystrokes by creating shorter and more intuitive commands for commonly repeated git operations. They can also be used to combine multiple commands into a single alias. You can list all your defined aliases by running git config --global --get-regexp alias in your terminal, which will display a list of aliases with their corresponding commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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