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git-am: Apply and commit changes following a remote patch file.
$ curl -L ${https:--example-com-file-patch} | git apply
try on your machine

This command is a combination of the curl and git apply commands, used to download and apply a patch file from a URL using Git.

Let's break it down:

  • curl is a command-line tool used to transfer data to or from a server, supporting various protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.
  • The -L flag in curl is used to follow any redirects that may occur while accessing a given URL.
  • ${https:--example-com-file-patch} indicates the URL from which the patch file should be downloaded. Note that this is not a valid URL and appears to be a placeholder example. In a real scenario, the URL would be valid and point to an actual patch file.
  • The | symbol is called a pipe, which connects the output of the curl command to the input of the git apply command.
  • git apply is used to apply a patch file to a Git repository, making modifications to the codebase based on the changes specified in the patch file.

So, when you run the entire command curl -L ${https:--example-com-file-patch} | git apply, the curl command fetches the patch file from the specified URL, and the output is passed to the git apply command as input. The git apply command then applies the patch to the current Git repository, modifying the code according to the changes specified in the patch file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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